With the high growth in Indian startup ecosystem, we have seen many matchmaking websites popping up within the last couple of years. In spite of the increased numbers of sites, the online matrimony market is still in its nascent stage. The reason being not only the established ones but also the new matrimony startups haven’t provided the users with any significant innovations.
The primary concern of users of these matrimony websites is the number of fake accounts they encounter while searching for the person they’ll spend their whole life with. Most of these matchmaking websites verify the users with just their phone numbers which can be easily faked.
Having seen this happen to close family and friends, the unsatisfactory experience of Ravi Mittal encouraged him to go to an extra mile and find Truejodi, a matrimonial site which promises to have zero tolerance for fraud.
Like no other startups in this space, Truejodi follows a 9 step verification process to remove fakes and bring transparency to the system. It verifies a profile against relevant and valid documents. By verifying the address, photo, surname, social profile, mobile, education, age, income and medical records, Truejodi makes sure the profile is 100% genuine. It has tied up with several diagnostic centers who will come to the person’s house and collect blood samples. It ensures that a person should have answers to most questions before he/she gets married for life to an unknown person.
The focus being on the quality and 100% genuine profiles, a user on the platform needs to verify at least four things before he/she can even see the matches. Getting people to verify themselves is not an easy task. However, out of 100 people who visit Truejodi, at least 20 readily upload valid documents to verify themselves.
Ravi launched Truejodi in Nov 2015 as a single man handled startup which is now a 15 member team. The startup has managed to boast a user base of 6000+ within a very short span of time out of which 70% are female users.
“We expect to cross 300,000 users by the end of 2016 and help people find true life partners,” says Ravi.
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